Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Little Lubbock Lovin...

Lately the wedding festivities have been kicked into overdrive! A few weekends ago the fun began with our first official wedding gift arriving in the mail.

Love some Macy's!
We were like 5-year-olds on Christmas morning!
That Thursday I was busy cleaning as the whole gang would be arriving in Lubbock for my first shower on Friday when all of a sudden there was a knock at my door. Not expecting anyone I was taken back a bit, but soon realized it was probably my fab friend Harriette with my pressed dress for the shower (yes, steamer is on the registry!). Opening the door slowly just to be sure, I was reassured when it did turn out to be Harriette, but I was surprised to also see a friendly face pop out from the was my beautiful maid of honor Molly!!!! Sent into shock I was speechless and could not believe she had drove from Dallas for the shower. After collecting my bearings and settling down a bit we popped some champagne in celebration for what would be a fun and very bridal weekend!

The following day the rest of the family arrived so the whole gang headed to lunch before the big night.

The girls :)
Kyle was a little over-dressed for Fuzzy's...future lawyer at work :)
Mom-osa and Mom-arita!
After a lovely lunch and a little more work, I was free to go for the day so the girls headed to our favorite little store HodgePodge to look at some invitations.

SO many options!!
What seemed like hours went by as we thumbed through the stack of binders in front of us debating every detail of the invite...square or rectangle, raised or flat print, shiny or matte finish, it went on and on...but finally we did it! Wedding invitations picked out and wording decided along with rehearsal dinner invites selected. After taking over the store for a bit we headed home to get ready for the "sweet" bridal shower!

 Love my future initials!
For "sweet" sayings from my lovely friends!
Best MOH a girl could ask for
Future Sister-in-Law
TTU Law Ladies and their biggest fan :)
Sweet mother!
Future family!!
Chi Omega Love :)
 After a lovely celebration with family and friends the next day was Rex & Audrey's turn at their couple's shower! We have so enjoyed all our wedding festivities/vent sessions as couples to be wed!

At Rex & Audrey's shower!
The boys with the groom!
The weekend ended just as well as it started with the promise of more wedding fun to be had...bridal portraits just happened to be the following weekend, but of course that must remain a secret until January ;).

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

White after Labor Day...fasion faux pas or not?

So one of the things that has been keeping my spare time (loose interpretations of "spare") occupied is online shopping and not just any online shopping but "white dress" shopping. So the question I pose is whether or not the age-old fashion standard of not wearing white after Labor Day applies to brides to be?!

You would think the answer would be a simple yes, however I've come to find that really these days anything goes! If you know me well enough you know that I am definitely an analyzer, a rule follower at heart and mostly a people-pleaser, there I said it! :) As of lately though I'm starting to think that as a bride to be, I can go against the grain and do what's going to make me happy. Isn't this the one time in a woman's life she is allowed to do, say, feel, and (insert any verb here) because she is the bride to be?

Well after consulting some of my fashionista friends, finding numerous white dresses among "new arrivals" at most every boutique and store, and even purchasing a few, my conclusion is....YES!! You can absolutely wear white as a bride to be after Labor Day! So until I stop seeing white dresses as new arrivals or until I have been surprised by Stacy or Clinton from What Not to Wear because my friends think I am insane, ORRR until January 26th, 2013 I will happily be pinning, liking and purchasing every white dress I can get my hands on for showers and various other "bridal duties" if you will! Here's some of my inspiration....

Ah yes the classic white lace dress everyone tries to get their hands on!

Pinterest pinners, I'm sure this one looks familiar! :)
Favorite color blue :)
And all just in time for my first shower this weekend with friends and family, which I could not be more excited about! Let the bridal festivities begin!

Pampering at its Prime!

A weekend of makeup and hair appointments you say....I think yes! A few weekends ago I spent most of the time doing the more girly items so as you can imagine Kyle opted out of this weekend. Not to mention it was the first home game of the season, but don't worry the Fight Song was downloaded and played after every touchdown just for the occasion! Because the weekend was full of makeup and hair trials and another dress fitting there aren't many pictures to share, so I apologize for heavier text!

First we headed downtown for a hair and makeup consultation. Braving the public without any makeup at 8 in the morning was a little challenging, but definitely well worth it for the end results! After getting all done up we headed to try on my dress after alterations had been made. With nerves brewing we slipped the dress on and to my fit! I think every girl's stress level is elevated two fold when it comes to trying on the dress. (Especially if you're like me and bulge the second food hits your mouth!). After finding relief in the fact that (for that day) the dress fit and with both my grandma and mom in tow, we sat down for a marvelous lunch before bridal accessory shopping!

Ok so lesson #1 from a whole day of shopping:

The wedding dress = easy to find
Bridal accessories = near impossible!!

We spent the whole day looking for shoes, earrings, and everything bridal but with no luck at the end of the day.

Solution = online shopping, my new best friend!

Since that weekend we have gotten a lot accomplished including...
  • All bridal portrait details taken care of (week and a half to go!)
  • Makeup and hair booked
  • Florist finalized
  • Bridesmaid dresses ordered
  • Guest book created, ordered and received
  • Wedding album ordered
  • Invitations selected 
  • Mini-moon decided on!
  • Fun details taken care of
  • And bridal beauty regiment in full swing!
We're almost 4 months out which is so hard to believe but extremely exciting! Till next time :).